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Photo © Nicole Meier 

As urban planner (Polytechnic University of Milan 2012) and PhD (Technical University of Munich 2021), Marcello Modica boasts several years of experience in practice, teaching and research on urban regeneration and transformation processes. His passionate interest for the urban question is rooted in a deep, intimate fascination with industrial and modern ruins, dating back to his early youth. Acting as a sort of archeologist of the present, he travels on the distance searching for neglected industrial spaces and transitional landscapes to explore, unveil and visually reclaim by means of photography. Over the years, he has gradually integrated his own photographic attitude and experience into a broader scientific research framework, as he strongly believes that learning to observe is already to discover. His current research interest is on the physical and functional transformation of former industrial sites in mountain and peripheral regions, an emerging yet too underrated challenge for spatial planning and regional development.

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since 2022

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Udine, Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (DPIA)


PhD (Dr.-Ing.)

Technical University of Munich, Department of Architecture

Dissertation: Alpine Industrial Landscapes. Towards a new approach for brownfield redevelopment in mountain regions.


Research associate

Technical University of Munich, Department of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation (LAT)



Project coordinator

EU Interreg Alpine Space trAILs - Alpine Industrial Landscapes Transformation


since 2016

Guest critic

Polytechnic University of Milan

Technical University of Munich

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences


Teaching assistant

Polytechnic University of Milan, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU)



Urban planning consultant



MSc Urban Planning and Design

Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Architecture and Society

Thesis: Post Industrial Renaissance. Brownfield redevelopment and urban identity: a project proposal for the SNIA Viscosa area in Varedo.

Presentations and lectures



EPF Lausanne

University of Udine

University of Cagliari / XXV SIU


Polytechnic University of Milan (Landscape Design Studio + Built Environment and Landscape Design Studio)


Lombardy Region / Chamber of Architects of Milan [online]

Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich / Interreg [online]


University of Bergamo [online]

Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei [online]

Polytechnic University of Milan



Urbanscapes Congress (Ostrava)

AESOP Congress (Venice)

ILS Dortmund



ETH Zurich

Technical University of Munich



Palazzo Montecitorio (Rome)

Istituto Treccani (Rome)

Casa Bossi (Novara)

Biblioteca Classense (Ravenna)



NovarArchitettura (Novara)



13th Architecture Biennale (Venice)



University of Genoa

Catholic University of Milan


Metal Magazine (2018)

Vanity Fair Italia (2015)

Patrimonio Industriale 7 (2011)

Publications (selection)


Modica M. (2023), “From Site to Landscape: Re-interpreting Post-Industrial Transformations in Peripheral Regions Beyond Urban Regeneration [ENG] – 从场地到景观—重释城市更新之外的郊区后工业转型 [ZH]. Landscape Architecture 风景园林, 30(6), 35-45. 


Modica M. (2023), "Reframing Brownfields: on photography and environmental alteration in postindustrial Alps”. Anima Loci, 49.


Modica M. (2022), Alpine Industrial Landscapes. Towards a New Approach for Brownfield Redevelopment in Mountain Regions. Series: RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer. 

Modica M., Solero E. (2022), Brownfield Transformation in Fragile Territories. An Interreg-based Action Research. Series: PoliMI SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. Cham: Springer. 


Modica M. (2022), “La montagna post-industriale lombarda, un paesaggio emergente". In: Adobati F., Garda E., Vascelli Vallara U. (eds.), I paesaggi dell’abbandono in Lombardia: forme, strumenti e risorse. Milano: Mimesis, 35-46. 

Modica M. (2022), “Au-delà de la désindustrialisation. La transformation d'anciens sites industriels dans les Alpes, un défi ouvert”. In: Sega R., Perlik M. (eds.), Les Alpes Productives – Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif. Series: Montagne et Innovation. Grenoble: PUG, 67-92. 

Modica M. (2022). “La struttura e i caratteri della ricerca”. In: Solero, E. (ed.), “Trasformazioni resilienti del paesaggio industriale alpino. La ricerca europea trAILs”. Urbanistica Informazioni, 300, 53-58.

Adobati F., Garda E., Migliorati L., Modica M. (2021), “Ri-pensare la produzione in montagna. Aree dismesse e prospettive di governance”. In: Corrado F., Marchigiani E., Marson A., Servillo L. (eds.), Le politiche regionali, la coesione, le aree interne e marginali. Atti della XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU, Torino, 17-18 giugno 2021, vol. 03. Planum Publisher / Società Italiana degli Urbanisti: Roma-Milano, 160-168.

Weilacher U., Modica M. (eds.) (2021), Alpine Industrial Landscapes Transformation - trAILs. Project Handbook. Munich: Technische Universität München.

Modica M. (2021), “Alpine Industrial Landscapes / Alpine Industrielandschaften”, In: Internationales Doktorandenkolleg – Forschungslabor Raum (eds.), Grenzen überschreiten – Räume aktivieren. Transnationale Ansätze der Raumplanung in Europa, Berlin: Jovis, 300-301.

Modica M., Weilacher U. (2020), “Post-Mining Landscapes in the Alps. Towards an integrated reclamation approach”. In: Planerin 3/20, Mitgliederzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung, 15-17 

Modica M., Weilacher U. (2019). "Alpine Industrial Landscapes in Transition. Towards a transferable strategy for brownfield transformation in mountain regions". In: AESOP 2019 Conference - Book of Papers, Venezia: IUAV, 147-165. 

Modica M. (2019). “Industrial brownfield sites in the Alps. A first quantitative overview and potential implications for regional development [ENG] – Aree industriali dismesse nelle Alpi. Una prima panoramica quantitativa e potenziali implicazioni per lo sviluppo regionale [ITA]”. In: Journal of alpine research/Revue de géographie alpine, 107-1

Modica M. (2015). “Area ex Lucchini, Lecco - Area ex SNIA Viscosa, Varedo - Area ex ILVA, Darfo Boario Terme”. In: AA.VV.: Governare i territori della dismissione in Lombardia. Caratteri, contesti, prospettive, Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli, 84-87, 98-101, 126-129. 

Modica M., Santarella F. (2014). Paraboloidi. Un patrimonio dimenticato dell’architettura moderna, Firenze: Edifir.

Portfolio (selection)

The Independent Photographer, Editor's Pick (2021)

Territorio 81 (2017)

AUDIS (2015)

Urbanistica 152 (2014)

IndustrieKulturFotografie 3 (2013)

Llámpara Patrimonio Industrial 5 (2012)

Industriekultur 2.12 (2012)

IndustrieKulturFotografie 1 (2011)

Patrimonio Industriale 7 (2011)

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